How To Study The Bible

You’re off to a great start!

Congratulations on your interest in how to study the Bible. I can guarantee you that it will be transformative. If you’re looking for a Bible study quick start plan, this is a great checklist.

1. Plan to make Bible study a regular part of your day.

2. Get a Bible. Downloading the YouVersion Bible App is free. I recommend starting with the NIV or NLT translation.

3. Study the Bible both intellectually and spiritually.

4. Pray or meditate over what you read.

5. Begin with the New Testament. It is the current covenant between God and His people. The book of John is a pretty good place to start.

6. Use an online reference, like Bible Hub or Bible Gateway to look up unfamiliar words, get historical background, or cross-reference other related books of the Bible.

7. Keep a journal (paper or electronic) of notes and questions as you study.

8. Make goals of things you want to try or do differently in your life in response to what you read.

9. Find and join a small group of others that are studying the Bible. Most local churches have several.

These steps will give you an excellent foundation for starting your Bible Study.